Poverty-Related and Neglected Diseases - the gates foundation

On September 26th 2012, DSW launched a specially commissioned report from Policy Cures, titled "Saving Lives and Creating Impact: EU Investment in Poverty-Related and Neglected Diseases". The study quantified for the first time the domestic benefits the EU derives from public investment in poverty-related and neglected diseases, including at least 13,000 jobs created between and 2002 and 2010 and a further €1.05 in investments into the Union for each €1 of European public PRND R&D spending.

This video was a call to action for greater investment in this area. Which succeeded! On November 28, 2012 the EU's Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) Committee voted to continue funding of R&D for poverty-related and neglected diseases (PRND). This was a major win for health, the international development community, the Gates Foundation (our client in this effort), and most importantly for people around the world suffering from diseases like malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS.

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